Monday, July 26, 2010

Menu Plan Monday - Dad's on afternoons

This is going to be a eat-whatever-is-easiest kinda week.
Dave is on afternoon shift this week, so it's just Hailey and I eating dinner together.
And since Dad's not here this week to help with the baby (who has decided it's not his best interest if mommy puts him down and walks more than 2 feet away from him or i'll screeeeech and whine my head off until I get her back ) this menu is not going to be anything grand.  I have about 20 minutes to get something on the table before big sister Hailey is just not a good enough substitute for mommy to keep baby Ryan happy.  The littlest ones make the rules don't they?!

Now, onto the main reason for this post.

Monday - I had left over meatball subs from yesterday's dinner
                Hailey doesn't like that, so I made her a muffin tin meal which I will post about separately

Tuesday - Chicken meat pies, noodles, green beans

Wednesday - Soup and Sandwiches (probably cream of mushroom soup because it's mine
                      and Hailey's favourite, and most likely grilled cheese sandwich to go with it)

Thursday - Slow cooker roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn

Friday -  leftovers

Saturday - Going to my mom's for dinner since it was cancelled last week

Pretty boring eh?! :) Dave is on day shift next week so hopefully it will be a more exciting menu next week when I have more help.

For more Menu Plan Monday posts check out

1 comment:

  1. Your Thursday almost completely matches my Tuesday. :) Hope you have a wonderful week. :)
