Thursday, July 29, 2010

I need my sleep too!

The first few months after my son was born he slept pretty good for a newborn.  We had a nice little routine going. We'd all go to bed between 10-11pm and he would  sleep in his pack and play in our bedroom. He'd sleep until 3-4am and then I'd nurse him, change him and he'd go right back to sleep in his pack and play until about 5-6am and then I'd take him into bed and nurse him and we'd all sleep in bed until 7am. I few times he even skipped the 3-4am feeding and slept right until 5-6am! It was going great, and I had said a few time what a 'good little sleeper' he was.

Well... I'm pretty sure I JINXED it.

It all stopped when he was about 3.5 months old. He started waking every two hours.. and still does now at 7 months old. Yikes!

But anyways, I was getting sick of getting out of bed and walking to the pack and play over and over and over all night long to feed him or stick his soother in his mouth. I was exhausted!

And then I came across this sidecarred crib link. It looked like a good solution to my problem. I told my hubby about it and he thought it was a little odd, but he went along with it anyways.  So we went and bought a bunch of bungee cords and hooked the crib frame to our mattress so they can not separate. I used a pool noodle and a tightly rolled blanket to stuff the small gap between the mattresses and it's a nice fit.

 We have had this set up since Ryan was about 4 months old and I really love it! I love that we all have space to sleep comfortably. I love that I don't have to get out of bed at night to feed him the multiple times that he wakes up. I love having my sweet little baby close to me so I can snuggle him whenever I want.
Most of all I love waking up and feeling like I actually got some sleep! My sleep is incredibly important to the happiness of my family, because if mommy is not happy than nobody is happy, right?! :)

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