We live in an apartment, a rather small one for a family of 4. When we moved here one year ago, I was going threw a difficult pregnancy and couldn't do too much work around here without tons of pain in my hips. So I just tossed everything in the cupboards as best as I could and figured I would fix them up later. Ryan was born in December and has taken a lot of time, he's not a great sleeper (naps only 30 minutes at time) and nurses often, and then there is Hailey needing me too, so I haven't had much time or energy to tackle them. So I figure if I just do one cupboard at a time that eventually it will get done!
So here is my first cupboard done (I started taking things out before I thought to take a picture)
It doesn't really look all that different, but it's a lot better than it was before.
I just wish I could make the top shelf with all the baking stuff look neater.
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